Bishop Scarfe has invited members of the Diocese of Iowa to read together Anthony B. Robinson’s book, Changing the Conversation : A Third Way for Congregations during Lent.
A sequel to Robinson's best-selling Transforming Congregational Culture (2003), Changing the Conversation focuses on congregational renewal and leadership. Robinson invites church leaders and members into ten crucial conversations that he suggests will change their congregation’s culture and help them respond with greater vitality, effectiveness, and faithfulness to our postmodern culture and its challenges.
Robinson will serve as Keynote Speaker at the annual Baptismal Living Day on Saturday, April 5 in Des Moines.
To participate in the diocesan wide online conversation, guest bloggers will be reflecting on chapters of this book each week. All are invited to comment below the blog each week to engage in discussion.
Copies of the book (ISBN 0802807595) are available for purchase online.